Tuesday, January 27, 2015

#productreview: FREEMIE


Masa mula-mula tengok orang duk promote Freemie ni, serious tak paham apa perlunya benda ni.
Yela, macam sama je macam breastpump biasa yang pakai bottles tu kan.
Tapi sebab pengaruh rakan sebaya, beli jugak la kan. 

Bila dah sampai tu, kena sambung dengan breastpump. I pakai Spectra M1 which is totally compatible dengan Freemie ni, dan tak perlu beli backflow protection kit sebab M1 dah ada.. So kira dah jimat la kat situ.

Tapi nak sambung tu terkial-kial jugak la mula-mula. Siap rasa cam aaargh nyesal aku beli mende ni!
Haha lepas dah godek godek google google, berjaya akhirnya. So terus pakai dan terus jatuh cintaaa! 

SOOOOO convenient!!
Must be the best invention *cewah* for working mothers!
Freemie is soo convenient you can multitask while pumping because your hands are totally free!
Takyah lagi nak pegang bottles or having dangling bottles visible (which is embarrassing), memang freemie ni totally hidden under your clothes.
Don't even need to go to surau, you can pump at your workstation without having people noticed that you are actually pumping!!

How cool is thatttt?!

Hahaha okay over
But honestly, I love it to the bits la.
I've been so rajin to pump sejak ber-freemie ni tau.


Totally FREE ME lah!
